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The gems are beaut..., rar.... and resist... minerals
The gems are made from ato....
The atoms in gems are offered in order.... way
The gems are born from the cooling of the mag .....
Magma when is cooled off made the roc…. that they contain many minerals and very rarely the gems
Magma exits from volc.....
The diamond is composed from atoms of C ........
The diamonds are formed from the cooling of the mag…
The diamonds are mineral the more har
The more important diamonds are found in South ........
Ruby and sapphire are the same min......
Ruby is red because have a small of cro...
Sapphire is blu because have a small amount of iro...
Ruby and sapphire are formed when magma comes to contact with limestone roc...
Emerald must be a lot attention to work one because is fragi .....
The emerald have a beautiful color gre....
Within emeralds you can find of the small bubbl…
The emeralds are formed when the mag.... is cooled off
Where are found the most beautiful emeralds ?
Where exactly?
The natural gems are made from natu.....
The synthetic stones are made from the ma….
The synthetic gems are precious?
Which thing does not have to be never made?
Who study gems?
Which important instrument they are studied?
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